Saving Private Ryan-like Nightmare Scenario Decimates Chinese Family

אתר מינג-הוויי - - אימת מקרי מוות של יותר מ -4,500 מתרגלי פאלון גונג כתוצאה ישירה ממסע הרדיפה שהשיקה המפלגה הקומוניסטית הסינית ב- 1999. קיים חשש שמספר מקרי המוות הממשי של מתרגלי פאלון גונג עקב עינויים, תת תזונה, תשישות והזנחה במעצר ובמיוחד עקב קציר האיברים בבתי חולים, הוא כנראה גבוה הרבה יותר.

19 years prior the woman’s husband died in circumstances surrounding the arrest and harassment of their sons. She and her only remaining child struggle to cope with the four family deaths.

Mr. Chen Xiaomin was arrested in 2016 and released in January, 2020 after mistreatment left him in critical condition. Torture included electric shock batons and being tied into contorted positions for long periods with ropes that cut through his skin. He died at the age of 51.

In a comparable situation, one of his older brothers was released after severe torture in 2018 and succumbed to the injuries several months later. 

The oldest brother of the family died from torture in 2011 that included injection by unknown substances and abuse that paralyzed at least part of his body.

Since the persecution began in 1999 the family members were targeted by local authorities. They were harassed in both private and public settings and were arrested and held numerous times, including in Number 3 Forced Labor Camp, Wugulu Labor Camp and Sanmenxia Detention Center, all in Henan Province. 

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